If you are looking for a reception place for your child for September 2025, we would love to show you around our amazing school. Please call the school office to book in . You can apply for a place at Lostwithiel School using the link below from 4th September 2025 https://www.cornwall.gov.uk/schools-and-education/schools-and-colleges/school-admissions/apply-to-start-school-or-transfer-to-junior-secondary-or-ks4-school-in-september-2025/

Team 12

TEAM 12 is our School Council.
The team meet each week to discuss issues that may be affecting the school or to plan activities or events to develop certain aspects of school life. 
Each member of Team 12 is elected by their class and they are expected to be role models to other children - exhibiting our 5 school values of Pride, Passion, Perseverance, Participation and Partnership.
Each team member is a voice for their class. Children can talk to a Team 12 member about anything that concerns them within the school or any ideas they have to improve our school and the Team 12 representative will bring these ideas to the weekly meetings with Mrs. Badger, our Headteacher. 
As well as improving our school, the team are also involved in the community as well. Team 12 are the voice of Lostwithiel Primary School pupils in the local area.
You can see what TEAM 12  have been up to this year!
TEAM 12 Members 2023 - 24
Year 1 - Lerryn and Emily
Year 2 - Leovel, Loic and Harry
Year 3 - Ava and Arlo
Year 4 - Florence and Reuben
Year 5 - Inigo and Amber
Year 6 - Lenny and Ruby
TEAM 12  Activity 23-24
So far this year Team 12 have organised a Healthy Lifestyles Week in the Autumn Term. Here they relaunched the school's focus on Healthy Snacks for breaktime and also helped to arrange lots of activities during the week to help get us all active.
Following on from this, Team 12 then worked with the PTA to order new equipment for playtimes. This is now being used on both playgrounds at lunchtimes.
More recently, Team 12 were asked by Lostwithiel Town Council to find out what pupils' thought about the town's play spaces and what could be done to improve them. After consulting with their classes, Team 12 members met with Lostwithiel Mayor, Karin Henderson, to give feedback. Karin was incredibly impressed with the children's ideas. 
One issue that our Team 12 members are concerned about is litter in the town. So, in true Team 12 style, they took matters in their own hands. They ran a competition for pupils to design a poster to encourage everyone in the town to bin their litter. The winning entries will be turned into weather proof signs which will be situated around the town. As well as this, the Team then went into the town and did a litter pick to help tidy up their town. 
Watch this space for more Team 12 news!