If you are looking for a reception place for your child for September 2025, we would love to show you around our amazing school. Please call the school office to book in . You can apply for a place at Lostwithiel School using the link below from 4th September 2025 https://www.cornwall.gov.uk/schools-and-education/schools-and-colleges/school-admissions/apply-to-start-school-or-transfer-to-junior-secondary-or-ks4-school-in-september-2025/

Staying safe online

Online safety 

While the internet is a great way for children and young people to stay in touch with their friends and use websites to learn, it can also bring risks. Now more than ever it’s important to talk to your child about staying safe online and about the apps and sites they’re using. We’ve got advice to help. 

Internet Safety Resources

Please find useful links and information about how to stay safe when online and which resources we use most often with children in school. If you require any advice or further guidance please contact the school office. 


Internetmatters.org - the central location for advice and guidance for parents about all Internet Safety matters. 

The UK Safer Internet site - lots of useful resources for parents including guides about how to talk about technology and how to set up your devices at home so they are safe.

Common Sense Media - site for parents with recommendations and advice about games/film/DVD/music content and it's suitableness for children of different ages. 

Know it All for Primary Schools - further guides and training Featuring Captain Kara and Winston’s SMART crew: Childnet's Know IT All for Primary Schools has been especially designed for primary school staff to help them understand important E-safety issues and how to help young pupils get the most out of the internet.

Kidsmart - Kidsmart is a unique Internet safety programme run by Childnet in schools throughout the UK and beyond. 


Jessie and Friends 

Jessie & Friends is a safe and age appropriate resource

The Jessie & Friends animations are age-appropriate and do not depict any situations where adults communicate with children online. Instead, they show safe, non-scary situations which help young viewers identify things which might worry them online. For example, in Episode 3 an older sister tricks three younger children into losing an online game. In this way young viewers learn how to identify online behaviour which is ‘not right’, and how to get help by telling an adult they trust. This learning will help keep them safe from many risky situations which they may encounter online.


NSPCC Parental Controls