
After School Club

3:15pm – 5.30pm Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

3:15pm - 5.00 pm Thursday and Friday

Wraparound Leader: Mrs Barbara George

Wraparound Assistants: Mrs Lisa Latham, Mrs Jennie Tiddy, Mrs Grace Halls


Our After School Club is committed to providing a safe, reliable, convenient and quality childcare service with a professional team of skilled staff. All sessions are fun packed with art and craft activities, games and sport.

We know how important our after school club is to parents, and it is great to see how many children are coming and really enjoying spending time with the after school club team!

Booking from September 2024

Online bookings can be made or cancelled through ParentPay up to 11pm the day before. 

Please ensure there are sufficient funds on your child's Parent Pay account as otherwise we cannot accept your booking.



After School Provisions £4.50 per session

End of Day until 4.00 £4.50

Pick up between 4.00 and 5.00 £9.00

Pick up between 5.00 and 5.30 (Mon, Tues and Weds only) £11.25

If your child has attended an after school club End of club until 5.00 £4.50

Pick up between 5.00 and 5.30 (Mon, Tues and Weds only) £6.75

The prices above include any snacks provided.

We aim to ensure that we cover our costs, but make the service as affordable as possible to the parents who rely on it for childcare,

# Late After School Club collection charge - £5.00. This will be charged when parents are late collecting their child. The discretion of the after school club team will be used when applying this charge.

All after school club fees will need to be paid online in advance through Parent Pay.

Mobile phone: 07821 645720

If you are entitled to tax credits you may be able to claim at least 70% reduction in the total cost. Please visit www.hmrc.gov.uk/taxcredits or telephone HMRC at 0345 3003900 for further details.

You can also make payment via tax-free childcare, for more information please visit 
