If you are looking for a reception place for your child for September 2025, we would love to show you around our amazing school. Please call the school office to book in . You can apply for a place at Lostwithiel School using the link below from 4th September 2025 https://www.cornwall.gov.uk/schools-and-education/schools-and-colleges/school-admissions/apply-to-start-school-or-transfer-to-junior-secondary-or-ks4-school-in-september-2025/

Whole School Curriculum Rationale

At Lostwithiel Primary School we strive to provide an outstanding education that ensures all pupils reach their greatest potential and live by life’s highest values. Here at Lostwithiel, we are part of a unique, rural Cornish Community. We have a deep connection with the natural environment and our surroundings. Our adventurous and comprehensive curriculum reflects this. We have planned our curriculum to help our children put their roots down so they can rise up. We aim to ensure pupils are independently minded and confident citizens of the future.

We begin learning with studies of the local environment, ourselves and our community to develop our sense of self and place. As learning grows leaders use the curriculum to enhance the experience and opportunities available to ALL children. This is underpinned by the national curriculum and our love of reading and sharing stories. Please look at our Reading tab on our website to learn more about why we LOVE reading at Lostwithiel School. We have considered the knowledge, skills and attitudes that are required to achieve academic excellence at secondary school and beyond. Subject leaders and teachers then plan backwards from this point. This ensures that pupils in each year group receive a rigorous, coherent and intelligently sequenced curriculum, which builds on what has come before. All teaching is sequenced to build on prior learning, term by term, year by year so that children are learning in a progressive way. We are aware of the geographical isolation of our location, we teach to make the world bigger, to ensure our children have a growth mind set, that they are ambitious and they take risks. 

Everyone is an educator at Lostwithiel, we all have the responsibility to ensure children know more, can remember more and have an enquiring mind. Leaders have developed progression documentation that supports this ethos and ensures the correct knowledge, vocabulary and links are made in learning. Learning is something we all take very seriously but it does not mean we are serious all of the time, we pride ourselves on facilitating learning, as we have outlined, but also fostering play, adventure, kindness and respect.

We encourage Parents/Carers to be involved as much as possible with their children’s learning; there are regular opportunities for Parent/Carer engagement with the school through Children’s Progress Meetings, Class newsletters, Home learning booklets and Class dojo. Parents can have total confidence that the needs of every child, as they grow and develop, can be catered for throughout their years in education with us at Lostwithiel Primary School.

Families and parents can find out more about our curriculum through our class pages, weekly newsletters and through asking your teachers. If you have any other questions about curriculum please email head@lostwithielsch.org or kwebber@lostwithielsch.org